Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pregnancy so far

Since I just started this blog I thought I would give everyone an overview of how my pregnancy has gone. I am currently 34 weeks along, only 6 weeks left! I can't wait to meet our baby girl. We are going to name her Eden. We don't have a middle name yet but we do have some ideas. My pregnancy has been pretty good I think just from what I've heard from others.
I was never very sick thankfully. I felt a little nauseous sometimes in the first trimester but it was manageable. I did discover that my motion sickness that I've always had got much worse. In my very early pregnancy I went on a marching band trip to Texas so of course we flew. I usually do fine with turbulence but on both flights I nearly got sick I was so nauseous from the turbulence. It was awful :( Other fun pregnancy symptoms I've had are heartburn and reflex(Its gotten worse and worse towards the end here. I also have very swollen feet already. They have gotten so bad that I couldn't even wear church shoes today for church. I had to wear flip flops, which is somewhat unacceptable for church standards...Oh well, I think they'll forgive me :) I've had a few aches and pains as well. I have scoliosis in my back so my back has been hurting a lot lately. I've also had some hip/sciatica pain that has come and gone. Overall nothing too terrible. My favorite thing about being pregnant is feeling her move. It's so fun to try to figure out whether its a knee, elbow, hand, foot, or even bum that's stretching out my belly. She's fun to play with already. When she leans against my tummy, I'll poke back and then she moves and pokes back, so fun. We are so excited to meet her!


  1. You're going to be a Mommy soon! I am so happy for you and your little family!

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